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Shri Mohan Charan Majhi
Hon'ble Chief Minister

Total Numbers of Visitors

182.7 K

Total Numbers of Extraordinary Gazettes


Total Numbers of Weekly Gazettes


Recent Extraordinary Gazettes

Department Subject Issue Date Download
Name - Chittaranjan Mohanta, Gaurdian Name - Durga charan mohanta Change of Name/Surname 2025-01-09
Name - SUSANTA KUMAR MOHANTY, Gaurdian Name - BALAKRISHNA MOHANTY Change of Name/Surname 2024-12-31
Name - PINKI MAHAPATRA, Gaurdian Name - SANTOSH KUMAR DAS Change of Name/Surname 2025-01-02
Name - Sri prafulla kumar mohanty, Guardian Name - Gurucharan mohanty Change of Partnership 2024-12-05
Name - Niharika Nayak, Guardian Name - Nityananda Nayak Change of Partnership 2024-11-26
Name - Bapi khatua, Guardian Name - Sri Babuli Khatua Change of Partnership 2024-11-26

Recent Weekly Gazettes

Department Subject Issue Date Download
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